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Nel 629 d.C., sette anni dopo l’Egira, Maometto aveva già cacciato gran parte degli ebrei dall’Arabia e rimaneva un solo villaggio ebreo da conquistare, Khaybar. Maometto ed il suo esercito circondarono il villaggio di...
Siamo tutti al corrente che, in quelle zone del mondo dove vige la Legge Islamica (shaaria), vengono praticate punizioni estreme, come ad esempio quella di tagliare la mano ai ladri. Ma perché ciò accade?...
Bloggando il Corano: Sura 4, “Le Donne”, Versetti 17-34 di ROBERT SPENCER (2, Settembre, 2007) Ritorna all’Indice Dopo che Allah con il Versetto 35 raccomanda l’arbitrato per una coppia litigiosa, i Versetti 36-42 della...
Per una corretta comprensione del Corano è necessario prima di tutto conoscere il suo contenuto. L’arabo classico con cui “Allah” ha rivelato il libro sacro dell’Islam (che presenta diverse anomalie) rende obbligatorio per la...
This article will expose the falsehood of islam through one of its pillars, by showing the historical background of verse 2:187 as it was conveniently and strongly encouraged by one of Mohammed’s closest and...
Not all the “REVELATIONS” we find in the Quran came from Mohammed’s mind. In this hadith we find out that Umar ibn Khattab gave his boss Mohammed significant INSTRUCTIONS on three different occasions. 1) Umar...
Mohammed already had nine wives and several concubines. Nevertheless, Allah gave him a special pass that would allow him to have all the wives he wanted. «O Prophet, indeed We have made lawful to...
At the beginning of his preaching activity, or shortly before it, Mohammed adopted a slave named Zaynab bint Jahsh, whom he received as a gift from his wife Khadija. Some years later, Mohammed arranged...
Every respectable religion should forbid to lie. Mohammed clearly spoke about the importance to tell the truth: It is obligatory for you to tell the truth, for truth leads to virtue and virtue leads...
We all know that compared to men, women in Islam suffer from a serious condition of inferiority. In some cases women in Islam are considered as mere possessions, pretty much like pets are. According...